The smiley face image, sm.gif, is properly located on the server and properly specified on the web page.

The smiley face image, sm.gif, is properly located on the server and properly specified on the web page. This time the web page specifies a border around the graphic.

The smiley face image, sm.gif, is properly located on the server and properly specified on the web page. It is the same image, but the specified size has been doubled in the web page code.

The smiley face image, sm.gif, is properly located on the server, but the specified size is incorrect. Usually the reason for specifying a graphic image size on a web page is to magnify, reduce, or distort the image.

Smiley's missing brother, smfrowny.gif is requested. There is no graphic on the server.

Smiley's missing brother, smfrowny.gif is requested. There is no graphic on the server. This time the web page specifies a border around the graphic.

A different image, smdamaged.gif is properly located on the server, but it is damaged, or the incorrect type. Perhaps the web designer misnamed a graphic file with the wrong extension, or maybe the file is damaged during uploading.

A different image, smdamaged.gif is properly located on the server, but it is damaged, or the incorrect type. This time the web page specifies a border around the graphic.

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